
关于举办“ Role of alpha-toxin in Staphylococvus aureus - host cell interactions”学术报告的通知

作者:         发布日期:2016-10-31     浏览次数:


报告题目: Role of alpha-toxin in Staphylococvus aureus - host cell interactions.

  报告人:Yinduo Ji (明尼苏达大学)




  计银铎,男(1964~),博士,美国明尼苏达大学终身教授,博士研究生、博士后导师。 美国微生物学会以及美国科学促进会会员,多项美国国立卫生研究院 (NIH)科研基金、中国自然科学基金及国际科研基金的项目评委, 明尼苏达超级计算机研究所首席研究员,《Infection and Immunity》、《Virulence》、《Toxins》、《Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology》、《Journal of Veterinary Science & Medical Diagnosis》等9种国际学术期刊编委以及22种国际学术期刊的审稿人。参加的研究项目荣获1992年度中国卫生部医药卫生科学技术进步二等奖、并于1994年由中华人民共和国国家科学技术委员会授予国家科学技术成果,是中央国家机关百优青年奖获得者。主要开展细菌致病机制的细胞和分子生物学研究,在金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)双组份信号传导系统的研究处于世界领先水平。先后获得美国国立卫生研究院,美国农业部等机构科研资助三百多万美元。出版著作2 部, 在权威性杂志上发表 SCI文章 68余篇例如《Science》等杂志,论文和著作被同行引用1917次。自2011年至今发表在《公共科学图书馆壹》(Plos ONE)杂志上的4篇论文被11344人次阅览。培养和指导博士研究生15名,博士后7名,访问学者9名。先后到蒙大拿州立大学、明尼苏达大学、浙江大学、中国农业大学、扬州大学、中国疾病预防控制中心传染病研究所等进行学术讲座或国际学术报告(革兰氏阳性病原体国际议, 中国微生物学会学术年会,北京国际新药科技大会,美国抗菌药物和化疗跨学科大会,动物与乳制品科学国际会议等)交流47场次。和美国梅奥诊所建立合作联系。


Title:  Role of alpha-toxin in Staphylococvus aureus - host cell interactions.
Speaker:Prof. Yinduo Ji
Time:10:00-11:30,Nov. 1 (Tuesday), 2016
Venue:Innovation conference room ,The 6th floor, College of Food Science and Engineering, North Campus

Yinduo Ji, male (1964 ~), PhD, tenured professor of the University of Minnesota, mentor of PhD students and Postdoctoral Associates.  He is a member of American Society for Microbiology (ASM) and the AAAS, a reviewer of numours National Institutes of Health (NIH) study sections and variety of international foundations, and a principal investigator of Minnesota Supercomputer Institute; he serves as a editorial board member of 9 international academic journals such as Virulence, World Journal of Biological Chemistry, and Journal of Veterinary Science & Medical Diagnosis, as well as a reviewer of 22 international academic journals.  The research project he participated in earned a 1992 annual Chinese Ministry of Health, Medicine & Health Science and Technology Progress Award, and the National Scientific and Technological Achievement Award in 1994 by the People's Republic of China National Science and Technology Commission.  He was the Winner of Central State Organs Prozac Young Award. His research interest focues on cellular and molecular pathogenesis of bacterial pathogens.  He is internationally recognized as a leader in the field of the two-component signal transduction regulatory systems of Staphylococcus aureus.  His projects have been funded by the US National Institutes of Health, US Department of Agriculture and other funding agencies with over three million US dollars.  He filled two US patent applications, published two books as an editor, and has more than 40 SCI scientific articles published in scientific journals, including SCIENCE, as the first author or corresponding author.  His articles and book chapters have been cited 1682 times by peers.  Since 2011 his four research articles publised in PLOS ONE have been reviewed 7836 times.  He has been mentoring and training 15 PhD students, 7 Postdocs, and 8 Visiting Scholars.  He has been invited to present his works 40 times, including seminars at a variety of national and internal institutions (such as Montana State University, University of Minnesota, Zhejiang University, China Agricultural University, Yangzhou University, and the Institute of Infectious Diseases, Centre for Disease Control and Prevention), as well as academic lectures or reports (such as International Conference of Gram-positive pathogens, Beijing International Conference of Drug Discovery Science and Technology, Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, International Conference on animal and dairy science, etc.).  He has collaborated with differnet Universities or Research Institutions in the world such as Mayo Clinic, University of Iowa, and Zhejiang University.
College of Food Science and Engineering
Sino-US Joint Food Safety Research Center

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