

作者:         发布日期:2023-06-08     浏览次数:


李忠宏,1971年生,博士,教授(三级),博士生导师,美国麻州伍斯特理工大学访问教授,国家自然科学基金一审函评专家、博士后基金函评专家,陕西省农产品加工工程技术研究中心副主任;曾担任科技部、黑龙江省、江西省等科技项目评审专家;Foods (ISSN: 2304-8158)、FOOD AND NUTRITION OPEN ACCESS (ISSN:2517-5726)编委;国际SCI学术期刊 Nature Communications, Environmental Science: Nano, Trends in Food Science & Technology, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, Carbon, Analytical Chemistry, Chemical Engineering Journal, Food Chemistry, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, Journal of hazardous materials, Journal of membrane science, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Environmental Science & Technology, Biotechnology Journal, Journal of Nanotechnology, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Journal of Materials Science, Journal of Nanomaterails, Journal of Toxicology and Health, Desalination and Water Treatment, Materials Research Bulletin, Research on Chemical Intermediates 等,以及中文学术期刊《农业工程学报》、《生物物理学报》、《西北农林科技大学学报》、《食品科学》、《食品科学技术学报》、《陕西师范大学学报》、《分析测试学报》等的审稿人。
















(1) 《食品工程原理》一流本科课程建设项目. 西北农林科技大学教改项目, 2020.05-2022. 12.

(2) 西北农林科技大学2020年虚拟仿真实验教学建设项目, 食品工程设计虚拟仿真, 2019.5-2020.6

(3) 《食品工程原理》优质课程建设. 西北农林科技大学教改项目, 2012.09-2014. 12.

(4) 《食品工程原理课程设计》优质课程建设. 西北农林科技大学教改项目, 2013.01-2014.12.

(5) 食品科学与工程专业工程素质教育体系设计与实践. 西北农林科技大学教改项目, 2011.09-2013. 12.


(1) 唐文志, 李忠宏.“互联网+”背景下的“食品工程原理”课程混合教学模式探索, 黑龙江教育(高教研究与评估), 2021(07):64-65.

(2) 李忠宏, 胡仲秋, 段旭昌. 提高食品工程原理理论教学质量的探索与实践, 安徽农业科学, 2012 (36): 17944-17945.

(3) 李忠宏, 陈香维. 食品科学与工程专业机械基础教学新体系的构建. 西北农林高等教育, 2006. 10.

(4) 段旭昌, 李忠宏, 袁亚宏, 王云阳, 胡仲秋. 食品新技术和食品安全及可持续发展理念在《食品工厂设计》教学中的实践. 教育教学论坛2013 (03): 227-228.

(5) 胡仲秋, 李忠宏, 张建新. 食品工程原理实验教学的实践与探索. 高校实验室工作研究, 2009 101(3): 17-18.

(6) 王云阳, 岳田利, 李忠宏, 等.构架基于网络的食品机械与设备CAI课件. 高等农业教育, 2005 (3): 52-54.


至今指导博士后1人、博士研究生7人、硕士研究生21人,研究生获国家奖学金3人次、校长奖学金2人次,各类专业奖学金5人次;研究生获校级优秀博士论文1篇、优秀学硕学位论文2篇,研究生发表的论文获“陕西省自然科学优秀学术论文”三等奖1篇;指导的本科生发表SCI一区研究论文1篇,获院优秀本科论文 4 篇;指导大学生重点科创项目18项;指导学生获“食品工程仿真大赛”、“生命科学创新创业大赛”、“校大学生创新创业论坛”等获奖10人次。




(1) 小麦麸/MOFs复合气凝胶去除水中的重金属(20220112311300899),横向课题,洛阳康纳森新能源科技有限公司,2022.05.01-2025.04.31。

(2) 陕西省重点研发计划“果汁加工过程中农药残留的现场可视化检测及靶向绿色去除(2022NY-037)”,2022.01.01-2023.12.31。

(3) 国家自然基金面上项目“MOFs孔道特性控制的苹果汁中重金属离子的靶向捕获机制(32172327)”,2022.1-2025.12。

(4) 西北农林科技大学2021年基本科研业务费交叉科学研究项目(2452021161),MOFs复合凝胶靶向可逆去除苹果汁中的重金属离子, 2021.1.1-2021.12.31。

(5) 陕西省社发项目“食品中真菌毒素分子识别荧光纳米生物探针检测技术研究(2018SF-401)”,2018.1-2020.12。

(6) 农业农村部“水果农药残留有机氯农药分析20181107000015”,2019.1-2021.12。

(7) 农业农村部 “农产品中链格孢类毒素风险摸底排查及评估GJFP2018001302”子课题“陕西省苹果中链格孢类毒素风险摸底排查及关键控制点评估”,2018.1-2020.12。

(8) 农业农村部 “水果农药残留跟踪与产品安全性评估项目GJFP201800301”子课题“陕西省桃中农药残留风险摸底排查及关键控制点评估”,2018.1-2020.12。

(9) 国家自然基金面上项目“多孔不锈钢基铁氧化物膜对苹果汁中重金属离子的去除机制研究(31371813)”,2014.1-2017.12。

(10) 国家科技基础性工作专项课题“全国水果类产品加工原料真菌毒素及产毒菌污染研究(2013FY113400)”子课题“水果类产品加工原料中重金属去除研究”,2012.1-2016.12。

(11) 西北农林科技大学2013年国际科技合作项目“多孔不锈钢基铁氧化物膜对水溶液中重金属离子的去除性能研究”,2013.1-2015.12。

(12) 2013年中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金连续资助项目“多孔不锈钢基铁氧化物膜对水溶液中重金属离子的去除性能研究(QN2013087)”,2013.1-2015.12。

(13) 2012年陕西省科技攻关项目“果汁分离用多孔不锈钢基陶瓷膜的制备与应用(2012K02-07)”,2012.1-2014.12。

(14) 2009 年中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目“食品分离用多孔不锈钢基陶瓷复合膜研制(QN2009078)”,2010.1-2012.12。

(15) 2009 年西北农林科技大学回国启动基金项目“多孔金属-陶瓷复合膜的界面结合性能研究”,2010.1-2011.12。

(16) 2006 年西北农林科技大学博士启动基金项目“多层型多孔金属—陶瓷复合膜制备技术研究”,2007.1-2008.12。

(17) 2006 年陕西省自然科学基金项目“多孔金属—陶瓷复合膜制备关键技术研究(2005E107)”,2006.1-2008.12。

(18) 2004 年西北农林科技大学青年专项项目“金属—陶瓷复合膜制备技术研究(04ZM056)”,2005.1-2006.12。

(19) 2003 年西北农林科技大学推广专项项目“悬浮液态食品物料的金属膜分离与浓缩”,2004.1-2005.12。


近年来在《 Trends in Food   Science & Technology 》、《 Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 》、《 Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 》、《 Food Chemistry 》、《 Journal of Membrane Science 》、《 Journal of Hazardous Materials 》、《 Chemical Engineering Journal 》、《 Carbon 》、《 Journal of Material Science 》、《农业工程学报》、《食品科学》等期刊上发表学术论文80余篇,其中SCI源刊50余篇、一级学报4篇;ESI农业学科全球0.1%热点论文2篇、1%高被引论文6篇,IF>10的7篇,EI收录5篇。部分学术论文如下(*为通讯作者):

(1) Wanmei Lin, Wei Hong, Yuanxin Sun, Jihong Huang, Zhonghong Li*, Triple-function chitosan-based film for pork and shrimp packaging,  Food Chemistry 417 (2023) 135903. (中科院大类一区, IF="9.231).

(2) Chunyan Wang, Xueli Luo, Wanmei Lin, Yangchun Qi, Wenzhi Tang, Jia Kong, Jihong Huang, Zhonghong Li*, Epitaxial Self-Assembly of Bimetallic MOF heterostructure for Fluorescent and Colorimetric Detection of Tetracyclines, Dyes and Pigments 214 (2023) 111229. (中科院大类二区, IF="5.122)

(3) Xueli Luo, Gengli Huang, Chenxu Bai, Chunyan Wang, Ying Yu, Youwen Tan, Chenyu Tang, Jia Kong, Jihong Huang, Zhonghong Li*, A versatile platform for colorimetric, fluorescence and photothermal multi-mode glyphosate sensing by carbon dots anchoring ferrocene metal-organic framework nanosheet,  Journal of Hazardous Materials , 443 (2023) 130277. (中科院大类一区, IF="10.588(最新IF=14.224).

(4) Haiping Zhao, Ziyi Zhang, Yong Han, Weixia Yang, Wenzhi Tang, Tianli Yue, Zhonghong Li*, Visual detection of vitamin C in fruits and vegetables using UiO-66 loaded Ce-MnO2 mimetic oxidase,  Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy , 285 (2023) 121900. (中科院大类二区, IF="4.831).

(5) Chunyan Wang, Gengli Huang, Xueli Luo, Wenzhi Tang, Tianli Yue, Zhonghong Li*, Construction of ratiometric fluorescence sensor and test stripwith smartphone based on dual‑emission carbon dots for the specific detection of chlortetracycline,  Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry , (2022) 414:8143–8154. (中科院大类二区, IF="4.478).

(6) Xueli Luo, Gengli Huang, Yuchen Li, Jie Guo, Xiaokai Chen, Youwen Tan, Wenzhi Tang, Zhonghong Li*, Dual-modes of ratiometric fluorescent and smartphone-integrated colorimetric detection of glyphosate by carbon dots encapsulated porphyrin metal-organic frameworks,  Applied Surface Science , 602 (2022) 154368. (中科院大类一区, IF="7.392).

(7) Wenzhi Tang, Yangchun Qi, Xuewei Yang, Jianlong Wang, Zhonghong Li*, Low-cost and portable colorimetric platform for simultaneous detection of Fe, methanol, and total phenols in wine,  Food Chemistry , 2023, 398, 133907. (中科院大类一区,IF=9.231).

(8) Ying Yu, Gengli Huang, Xueli Luo, Wanmei Lin, Yong Han, Jihong Huang, Zhonghong Li, Carbon dots@Cu metal–organic frameworks hybrids for ratiometric fluorescent determination of pesticide thiophanate‑methyl,  Microchimica Acta , (2022) 189:325. (中科院大类一区, IF=" 6.408).

(9) Xueli Luo, Chunyan Wang, Gengli Huang, Youwen Tan, Wenzhi Tang, Jia Kong, Zhonghong Li a,* Bio-inspired chitosan aerogel decorated with MOF-on-COF heterostructure hybrid as recyclable scavenger of herbicides in water,  Separation and Purification Technology , 298 (2022): 121616. (中科院大类一区, IF=" 9.136).

(10) Wanmei Lin, Gengli Huang, Weixia Yang, Zhonghong Li*, A dual-function chitosan packaging film for simultaneously monitoring and maintaining pork freshness,  Food Chemistry ,  Food Chemistry . 2022, 392, 133242.(中科院大类一区,IF=9.231).

(11) Kongjia, Wenxin Li, Shixuan Zhao, Jiaxing Zhang, Tianli Yue, Yuefei Wang, Yinqiang Xia*, Zhonghong Li*, Color-tunable fluorescent hierarchical nanoassemblies with concentration-encoded emission,  small , 2022, 18. 2201826. (中科院大类一区,IF=13.281(最新IF=15.153)).

(12) Gengli Huang, Xueli Luo, Wanmei Lin, Wenzhi Tang, Tianli Yue, Jianlong Wang, Zhonghong Li*, Carbon dots based multicolor fluorescence sensor for ratiometric and colorimetric dual-model detection of Cu2+,  Dyes and Pigments , 203 (2022) 110381. (中科院大类二区, IF="4.899(最新IF=5.122)) .

(13) Yang Weixia, Qiang Yu, Du Mengshuo, Cao Youyu, Wang Yingying, Zhang Xiaoshuo, Yue Tianli, Huang Jihong, Li Zhonghong*, Self-propelled nanomotors based on hierarchical metal-organic framework composites for the removal of heavy metal ions.  Journal of Hazardous Materials , 2022, 435, 128967. (中科院大类一区, IF="10.588(最新IF=14.224)).

(14) Xiaoshuo Zhang, Ziyi Zhang, Youyu Cao, Wenzhi Tang, Zhonghong Li*, Co-Mn Mixed Metal Oxide Nanorods for On-Site Colorimetric Detection of SO32- in Food Samples,  ACS Applied Nano Materials , 2022 5 (5), 6810-6819.(中科院大类二区,IF=5.097(最新IF=6.140)).

(15) Yu Qiang, Weixia Yang, Xiaoshuo Zhang, Xueli Luo, Wenzhi Tang, Tianli Yue, Zhonghong Li*, UiO-67 decorated on porous carbon derived from Ce-MOF for the enrichment and fluorescence determination of glyphosate.  Mikrochim Acta,  2022, 189:130. (中科院大类二区, IF="5.833(最新IF=6.408)).

(16) Xueli Luo, Gengli Huang, Xiaokai Chen, Jie Guo, Weixia Yang, Wenzhi Tang, Tianli Yue, Zhonghong Li*, Ingenious ambient temperature fabrication zirconium-metal organic framework laden polysaccharide aerogel as an efficient glyphosate scavenger,  Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9 (2021): 106808. (中科院大类基础版二区,IF=5.909(最新IF=7.968))

(17) Wenzhi Tang, Yangchun Qi, Zhonghong Li*, A portable, cost-effective and user-friendly instrument for colorimetric enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and rapid detection of aflatoxin B1, Foods  , 2021, 10, 2483. (中科院大类基础版一区,IF=4.35(最新IF=5.561))

(18) Gengli Huang, Xueli Luo, Xie He, Yong Han, Haiping Zhao, Wenzhi Tang, Tianli Yue, Zhonghong Li*, Dual-emission carbon dots based ratiometric fluorescent sensor with opposite response for detecting copper (II),  Dyes and Pigments , 196 (2021): 109803. (中科院大类二区,IF=4.889(最新IF=5.122))

(19) Tang Wenzhi, Zhang Meng, Yue Tianli, Wang Xin, Li Zhonghong*, Low-cost colorimetric reader and label-free strategy for user-friendly detection of nucleic acid amplification products.  Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical , 346 (2021): 130513. (中科院大类一区,IF=7.46(最新IF= 9.221))

(20) Weixia Yang, Jinmeng Wang, Yong Han, Xueli Luo, Wenzhi Tang, Tianli Yue, Zhonghong Li*, Robust MOF film of self-rearranged UiO-66-NO2 anchored on gelatin hydrogel via simple thermal-treatment for efficient Pb(II) removal in water and apple juice,  Food Control , 130 (2021): 108409. (中科院大类一区,IF=5.548(最新IF=6.652))

(21) Yong Han, Xie He, Weixia Yang, Xueli Luo, Ying Yu, Wenzhi Tang, Tianli Yue, Zhonghong Li*, Ratiometric Fluorescent Sensing Carbendazim in Fruits and Vegetables via Its Innate Fluorescence Coupling with UiO-67,  Food Chemistry , 345 (2021): 128839. (中科院大类一区,IF=6.306(最新IF=9.231))

(22) Xiaoshuo Zhang, Chunhua Li, Sheliang Zhao, Huiyun Pang, Yong Han, Xueli Luo, Wenzhi Tang, Zhonghong Li*,S Doped silicon quantum dots with high quantum yield as a fluorescent sensor for determination of Fe3+ in water, Optical Materials , 110 (2020): 110461. (中科院大类二区,IF = 2.779(最新IF=3.754))

(23) Feng Zhao, Caihong Su, Weixia Yang, Yong Han, Xueli Luo, Chunhua Li, Wenzhi Tang, Tianli Yue, Zhonghong Li*, In-situ Growth of UiO-66-NH2 onto Polyacrylamide-Grafted Nonwoven Fabric for Highly Efficient Pb(II) Removal,  Applied Surface Science,  527(2020): 146862. (中科院大类二区,IF=6.182(最新IF=7.392))

(24) Han Yong, Yang Weixia, Luo Xueli, He Xie, Zhao Haiping, Tang Wenzhi, Yue Tianli, Li Zhonghong*. Carbon dots based ratiometric fluorescent sensing platform for food safety.  Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition , 2022, 62, 1, 244-260. (中科院大类一区,IF= 7.862,双一流B(最新IF=11.208))

(25) Weixia Yang, Meijie Cheng, Yong Han, Xueli Luo, Chunhua Li, Wenzhi Tang, Tianli Yue, Zhonghong Li*, Heavy Metal Ions’ Poisoning Behavior-Inspired Etched UiO-66/CTS Aerogel for Pb(II) and Cd(II) Removal from Aqueous and Apple Juice,  Journal of Hazardous Materials , 401 (2021): 123318. (中科院大类一区,IF=9.038,2021年11月进入进入ESI农业学科全球1%高被引论文(最新IF=14.224))

(26) Feng Zhao, Weixia Yang, Yong Han, Xueli Luo, Wenzhi Tang, Tianli Yue, Zhonghong Li*, A Straightforward strategy to Synthesize Supramolecular Amorphous Zirconium Metal-organic Gel for Efficient Pb(II) Removal,  Chemical Engineering Journal , 407 (2021): 126744. (中科院大类一区,IF=10.652(最新IF=16.744))

(27) Chunhua Li, Xiaoshuo Zhang, Simin Wen, Rui Xiang, Yong Han, Wenzhi Tang, Tianli Yue, Zhonghong Li*, Interface engineering of zeolite imidazolate framework−8 on two-dimensional Al−metal−organic framework nanoplates enhancing performance for simultaneous capture and sensing tetracyclines,  Journal of Hazardous Materials , 395 (2020): 122615. (中科院大类一区,IF=9.038(最新IF=14.224))

(28) Xie He, Yong Han, Xueli Luo, Weixia Yang, Chunhua Li, Wenzhi Tang, Tianli Yue, Zhonghong Li*, Terbium (III)-referenced N-doped carbon dots for ratiometric fluorescent sensing of mercury (II) in seafood,  Food Chemistry , 320 (2020): 126624. (中科院大类一区,IF=6.306(最新IF=9.231))

(29) Chunhua Li, Weixia Yang, Xiaoshuo Zhang, Yong Han, Wenzhi Tang, Tianli Yue, Zhonghong Li*, A 3D hierarchical dual-metal-organic framework heterostructure up-regulating pre-concentration effect for ultrasensitive fluorescence detection of tetracycline antibiotics,  Journal of Materials Chemistry C , 86 (2020) : 2054-2064. (中科院大类一区,IF=7.059(最新IF=9.231))

(30) Xueli Luo, Yong Han, Xiumei Chen, Wenzhi Tang, Tianli Yue, Zhonghong Li*, Carbon dots derived fluorescent nanosensors as versatile tools for food quality and safety assessment: a review,  Trends in Food Science & Technology , 95 (2020): 149–161. (中科院大类一区,IF=11.077,双一流B,2022年3月进入ESI农业学科全球1%高被引论文(最新IF=16.002))

(31) Chunhua Li, Li Zhu, Weixia Yang, Xie He, Sheliang Zhao, Xiaoshuo Zhang, Wenzhi Tang, Jianlong Wang, Tianli Yue, Zhonghong Li*, Post-functionalized Al-based Metal-Organic Frameworks for Fluorescent Detection of Total Iron in Food matrix,  Journal of Food Composition and Analysis , 86 (2020) : 103352. (中科院大类二区,IF=3.721(最新IF=8.067))

(32) Yong Han, Weixia Yang, Xueli Luo, Xie He, Ying Yu, Chunhua Li, Wenzhi Tang, Tianli Yue, Zhonghong Li*. Cu2+ Triggered Carbon Dots with Synchronous Response of DualEmission for Ultrasensitive Ratiometric Fluorescence Determination of Thiophanate-Methyl Residues,  Journal of agricultural and food chemistry , 2019, 67, 12576-12583. (中科院大类一区,IF=3.571(最新IF="5.895))

(33) Weixia Yang, Yong Han, Chunhua Li, Li Zhu, Limei Shi, Wenzhi Tang, Jianlong Wang, Tianli Yue, Zhonghong Li*, Shapeable Three-Dimensional CMC Aerogels Decorated with Ni/Co-MOF for Rapid and Highly Efficient Tetracycline Hydrochloride Removal,  Chemical Engineering Journal , 375 (2019): 122076. (中科院大类一区,IF=8.355(最新IF=16.744))

(34) Yong Han, Limei Shi, Xueli Luo, Xiumei Chen, Weixia Yang, Wenzhi Tang, Jianlong Wang, Tianli Yue, Zhonghong Li*, A signal-on fluorescent sensor for ultra-trace detection of Hg2+ via Ag+ mediated sulfhydryl functionalized carbon dots,  Carbon  149 (2019): 355-363.(中科院大类一区,IF=7.466(最新IF="11.307))

(35) Wenzhi Tang, Tingting Yan, Fei Wang, Jingxian Yang, Jian Wu, Jianlong Wang, Tianli Yue, Zhonghong Li*. Rapid fabrication of wearable carbon nanotube/graphite strain sensor for real-time monitoring of plant growth,  Carbon  147 (2019): 295-302. (中科院大类一区,IF=7.466(最新IF=11.307))

(36) Wenzhi Tang, Jingxian Yang, Fei Wang, Jianlong Wang, Zhonghong Li*. Thiocholine-triggered reaction in personal glucose meters for portable quantitative detection of organophosphorus pesticide,  Analytica Chimica Acta  1060 (2019): 97-102.(中科院大类二区,IF=5.256(最新IF=6.911))

(37) Chunhua Li, Li Zhu, Weixia Yang, Xie He, Sheliang Zhao, Xiaoshuo Zhang, Wenzhi Tang, Jianlong Wang, Tianli Yue, Zhonghong Li*. Amino-Functionalized Al-MOF for Fluorescent Detection of Tetracyclines in Milk,  Journal of agricultural and food chemistry , 67 (2019): 1227-1283. (中科院大类一区,IF=4.192,2021年2月进ESI农业学科前1%高被引论文(最新IF=5.895))

(38) Xiaoyue Yue, Lizhi Liu, Zhonghong Li, Qingfeng Yang, Wenxin Zhu, Wentao Zhang, Jianlong Wang*. Highly specific and sensitive determination of propyl gallate in food by a novel fluorescence sensor,  Food Chemistry , 256 (2018): 45-52. (中科院大类二区,IF=4.946(最新IF="9.231))

(39) Jing Wang, Manshun Liu, Liang Zhang, Tianshu Zhang, Tianli Yue, Zhonghong Li, Na Hu, Yourui Suo, Jianlong Wang*. Biomass reinforced graphene oxide solid/liquid phase membrane extraction for the measurement of Pb(II) in food samples,  Food Chemistry , 269 (2018): 9-15. (中科院大类二区,IF=4.946(最新IF="9.231))

(40) Xueli Luo, Wengang Zhang, Yong Han, Xiumei Chen, Li Zhu, Wenzhi Tang, Jianlong Wang, Tianli Yue, Zhonghong Li*. N,S co-doped carbon dots based “on-off-on” switchable fluorescent sensor for determination of ascorbic acid in common fruits,  Food Chemistry  258 (2018): 214-221. (中科院大类二区,IF=4.946,2019年5月进ESI农业学科前1%高被引论文,2020年6月再次进入1%高被引论文,2020年7月进入1%高被引和0.1%热点论文(最新IF=9.231))

(41) Qingfeng Yang, Jing Wang, Xinyu Chen, Weixia Yang, Hanna Pei, Na Hu, Zhonghong Li, Yourui Suo, Tao Li, Jianlong Wang*, The simultaneous detection and removal of organophosphorus pesticides by a novel Zr-MOF based smart adsorbent,  Journal of Materials Chemistry A , 6 (2018): 2184-2192.(中科院大类一区,IF=8.867(最新IF=" 14.511))

(42) Weixia Yang, Jing Wang, Qingfeng Yang, Hanna Pei, Na Hu, Yourui Suo, Zhonghong Li, Daohong Zhang, Jianlong Wang*, Facile fabrication of robust MOF membranes on cloth via a CMC macromolecule bridge for highly efficient Pb(II) removal,  Chemical Engineering Journal , 339 (2018): 230-239.(中科院大类一区,IF=6.216(最新IF=16.744))

(43) Hanna Pei, Jing Wang, Qingfeng Yang, Weixia Yang, Na Hu, Yourui Suo, Daohong Zhang, Zhonghong Li, Jianlong Wang*, Interfacial growth of nitrogen-doped carbon with multi-functional groups on the MoS2 skeleton for efficient Pb(II) removal,  Science of the Total Environment , 631-632 (2018): 912-920.(中科院大类二区,IF=4.900(最新IF=" 10.753))

(44) Qingfeng Yang, Yue Wang, Jing Wang, Fangbing Liu, Na Hu, Hanna Pei, Weixia Yang, Zhonghong Li, Yourui Suo, Jianlong Wang*, High effective adsorption/removal of illegal food dyes from contaminated aqueous solution by Zr-MOFs (UiO-67),  Food Chemistry , 254 (2018): 241-248.(中科院大类二区,IF=4.529(最新IF=9.231))

(45) Wengang Zhang, Yong Han, Xiumei Chen, Xueli Luo, Jianlong Wang, Tianli Yue, Zhonghong Li*. Surface molecularly imprinted polymer capped Mn-doped ZnS quantum dots as a phosphorescent nanosensor for detecting patulin in apple juice,  Food Chemistry  232 (2017): 145-154. (中科院大类二区,IF=4.529,2018年5月进ESI 农业学科前0.1%热点论文,2018年7月同时进ESI 农业学科前0.1%热点论文和1%高被引论文,获陕西省第十四届自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖(证书编号2020143093)(最新IF=9.231))

(46) Xiumei Chen, Wengang Zhang, Xueli Luo, Fan Zhao, Yixuan Li, Ronghua Li, Zhonghong Li*. Efficient removal and environmentally benign detoxification of Cr(VI) in aqueous solutions by Zr(IV) cross-linking chitosan magnetic microspheres,  Chemosphere , 185 (2017): 991-1000. (中科院大类二区,IF=4.208(最新IF= 8.943))

(47) Mengfei Zhu, Li Zhu, Jianlong Wang, Tianli Yue, Ronghua Li, Zhonghong Li*. Adsorption of Cd(II) and Pb(II) by in situ oxidized Fe3O4 membrane grafted on 316L porous stainless steel filter tube and its potential application for drinking water treatment,  Journal of Environmental Management , 196 (2017): 127-136. (中科院大类二区,IF=4.01(最新IF="8.910))

(48) Wentao Zhang, Shuo Shi, Wenxin Zhu, Lunjie Huang, Chengyuan Yang, Sihang Li, Xinnan Liu, Rong Wang, Na Hu, Yourui Suo, Zhonghong Li, Jianlong Wang*, Agar Aerogel Containing Small-Sized Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework Loaded Carbon Nitride: A Solar-Triggered Regenerable Decontaminant for Convenient and Enhanced Water Purification,  ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering , 5 (2017): 9347-9354.(中科院大类一区,IF=5.951(最新IF="9.224))

(49) Qingfeng Yang, Jing Wang, Wentao Zhang Fangbing, Liu, Xiaoyue Yue, Yingnan Liu, Mei Yang, Zhonghong Li, Jianlong Wang*, Interface engineering of metal organic framework on graphene oxide with enhanced adsorption capacity for organophosphorus pesticide,  Chemical Engineering Journal , 313 (2017): 19-26.(中科院大类一区,IF=6.216(最新IF="16.744))

(50) Jing Wang, Wentao Zhang, Xiaoyue Yue, Qingfeng Yang, Fangbing Liu, Yanru Wang, Daohong Zhang, Zhonghong Li, Jianlong Wang*, One-pot synthesis of multifunctional magnetic ferrite–MoS2–carbon dot nanohybrid adsorbent for efficient Pb(ii) removal,  Journal of Materials Chemistry A , 4 (2016): 3893-3900.(中科院大类一区,IF=8.867(最新IF="14.511))

(51) Jing Wang, Wentao Zhang, Yanru Wang, Wenxin Zhu, Daohong Zhang, Zhonghong Li, Jianlong Wang*, Enhanced Exfoliation Effect of Solid Auxiliary Agent On the Synthesis of Biofunctionalized MoS2 Using Grindstone Chemistry,  Particle & Particle Systems Characterization , 33 (2016): 825-832.(中科院大类一区,IF=4.474(最新IF="3.467))

(52) Maomin Shi, Zhonghong Li*, Yahong Yuan, Tianli Yue, Jianlong Wang, Ronghua Li, Jinghong Chen. In situ oxidized magnetite membranes from 316L porous stainless steel via a two-stage sintering process for the removal of hexavalent chromium [Cr (VI)] from aqueous solutions,  Chemical Engineering Journal , 265 (2015): 84–92.(中科院大类一区,IF=4.321(最新IF=16.744))

(53) Zhonghong Li, Miao Cao, Wengang Zhang, Lizhi Liu, Jianlong Wang, Wupeng Ge, Yahong Yuan, Tianli Yue*, Ronghua Li, William W. Yu, Affinity Adsorption of Lysozyme with Reactive Red 120 Modified Magnetic Chitosan Microspheres,  Food Chemistry , 145 (2014): 749-755. (中科院大类二区,IF=3.259;2015年7月进ESI农业学科前1%高被引论文(最新IF=9.231))

(54) Miao Cao, Zhonghong Li*, Jianlong Wang, Wupeng Ge, Tianli Yue, Ronghua Li, Vicki L. Colvin, William W. Yu, Food Related Applications of Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles: Enzyme Immobilization, Protein Purification, and Food Analysis,  Trends in Food Science & Technology , 2012 (27): 47-56.(中科院大类一区,IF=3.672(最新IF=16.002))

(55) Wenzhi Tang, Zhichao Peng, Lixuan Li, Tianli Yue, Jianlong Wang, Zhonghong Li*, Ronghua Li, Jinghong Chen, Vicki L. Colvin, William W. Yu, Porous stainless steel supported magnetite crystalline membranes for hexavalent chromium removal from aqueous solutions,  Journal of Membrane Science , 392-393 (2012): 150-156. (中科院大类一区,IF=3.850,EI收录(最新IF=10.530))

(56) Zhonghong Li, Zupei Yang, Nongxue Qiu, Gongming Yang*, A sol-gel-derived α-Al2O3 crystal interlayer modified 316L porous stainless steel to support TiO2, SiO2, and TiO2-SiO2 hybrid membranes,  Journal of Materials Science , 46 (2011): 3127-3135. (中科院大类二区,IF=1.86(最新IF=4.682))

(57) Wei Liu, Daohong Zhang, Yafan Tang, Yashan Wang, Fei Yan, Zhonghong Li, Jianlong Wang*, H. Susan Zhou, Highly sensitive and selective colorimetric detection of cartap residue in agricultural products,  Talanta , 101 (2012): 382-387(中科院大类二区,IF=6.556).

(58) Ronghua Li, Qingling Yue, Feng Shen, Rui Qin, Guangjie Zhang, Zhonghong Li, Zengqiang Zhang*, Adsorption of Aqueous Mercury(II) by Thiol-modified Corn Stalk,  Fresenius Environmental Bulletin , 22 (2013): 178-185.

(59) Jianlong Wang, Ahsan Munir, Zhonghong Li, H. Susan Zhou*, Aptamer-Au NPs conjugates-accumulated methylene blue for the sensitive electrochemical immunoassay of protein,  Talanta , 81 (2010): 63-67.(中科院大类二区,IF=6.556)

(60) Zhonghong Li*, Nongxue Qiu, Gongming Yang, Effects of synthesis parameters on the microstructure and phase structure of porous 316L stainless steel supported TiO2 membranes,  Journal of Membrane Science , 326 (2009): 533-538.(中科院大类一区,IF=3.247,EI收录(最新IF=10.530))

(61) Jianlong Wang, Ahsan Munir, Zhonghong Li, H. Susan Zhou*, Aptamer-Au NPs conjugates-enhanced SPR sensing for the ultrasensitive sandwich immunoassay.  Biosensors and Bioelectronics , 25 (2009): 124-129. (中科院大类一区,IF=5.143(最新IF="12.545))

(62) Ahsan Munir, Jianlong Wang, Zhonghong Li, H. Susan Zhou *, Dynamic analysis of magnetic nanoparticle enhanced microfluidic surface-based bioassay.  Microfluid. Nanofluid , 8 (2010): 641-652.(中科院大类一区,IF=3.314(最新IF=3.090 ))

(63) 赵海萍, 南丽娟, 雒雪丽, 杨伟霞, 韩雍, 李忠宏*. Ni/Co层状氢氧化物模拟氧化物酶可视化检测海产品中Hg2+ [J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2021, 47(08): 204-211.

(64) 何谐, 雒雪丽, 李春花, 韩雍, 陈秀梅, 李忠宏*. 氮掺杂碳点的开关型荧光传感器检测蔬菜中的生物硫醇, 食品工业科技, 2019, 40(11): 178-184.

(65) 赵凡, 陈秀梅, 张文刚, 雒雪丽, 李易轩, 朱力, 李忠宏*. 氨基和羧基功能化磁性微球去除水溶液中Cd(II)和Pb(II), 硅酸盐通报, 2017, 36 (12): 4302-4307.

(66) 张文刚, 雒雪丽, 韩雍, 李忠宏*. 分子印迹Mn掺杂ZnS量子点磷光法检测烟酸转化液中的6-羟基烟酸. 分析测试学报, 2017, 36(4): 478-483.

(67) 李易轩, 李忠宏*, 陈秀梅, 张文刚, 雒雪丽, 赵凡, 朱力.多孔不锈钢基氧化铝膜去除水溶液中的Cr(VI)和Cd(II). 环境科学学报, 2017, 37(10): 1-5.

(68) 齐佳, 张文刚, 赵静静, 史茂敏, 李忠宏*. 小麦粉中赭曲霉毒素A的Cd/Se荧光量子点免疫探针检测, 西北农业学报, 2015, 24(4):56-61.

(69) 赵静静, 李忠宏*, 史茂敏, 齐佳. 铜合金连接层多孔不锈钢基Al2O3陶瓷复合膜的结合性能[J]. 热加工工艺, 2015,44(04):152-154.(核心期刊,被引频次 2)

(70) 张萌, 杨亚提, 秦睿, 王力, 张增强, 李忠宏, 李荣华*, 孟昭福. 二胺基改性有序多孔SBA-15 对溶液中Cd2+离子的吸附研究, 环境科学, 2013 34 (7): 2677-2685.

(71) 曹淼, 李忠宏*, 朱伟. 活性红120改性磁性壳聚糖微球对牛血清蛋白的吸附性能研究, 食品科学, 2013 34 (21): 64-68.

(72) 吴楠, 李忠宏*, 贾瑜, 唐喜丽. Ag 掺杂Al2O3陶瓷膜的制备与工艺优化.热加工工艺,2013 42 (6): 143-145.

(73) 贾瑜, 李忠宏*, 吴楠, 彭桂蕊. 多孔不锈钢基体表面CuO薄膜的制备.热加工工艺, 2012 41 (22): 164-166.

(74) 李忠宏, 仇农学, 田晓琴, 杨公明. 多孔不锈钢基体上多孔SiO2陶瓷膜的制备.农业工程学报, 2008 24 (5): 25-30. (EI收录)

(75) 李忠宏, 刘国庆, 姜莉. 乙醇体系中聚合TiO2溶胶的凝胶时间研究. 西北农林科技大学学报, 2007 9 (35): 173-178.

(76) 李忠宏, 仇农学, 杨祖培, 杨公明. 不锈钢基体上TiO2陶瓷膜的制备.农业工程学报, 2005 (9): 1-6. (EI收录)

(77) 李忠宏, 仇农学, 杨公明, 范芳娟. 分离用金属膜制备工艺与技术进展.农业工程学报, 2005 (1): 177-181. (EI收录)

(78) 李忠宏, 陈香维, 史亚歌. 猕猴桃加工中的变色机理及护色方法探讨. 西北农业学报, 2004 13 (1): 124-127.

(79) 李忠宏, 杨公明. 猕猴桃真空冷冻干燥工艺优化研究.食品科学, 2004 25(3): 94-96.

(80) 李忠宏, 杨公明, 陈香维, 等. 猕猴桃冻干过程中Vc和叶绿素的损失规律研究. 西北农林科技大学学报, 2003 31 (6): 143-145.

(81) 杨祖培, 李忠宏. 不锈钢基体上纳米TiO2薄膜的制备. 中国化学会第24届学术年会论文集, 2004. 4, 湖南长沙.

(82) 杨祖培, 李忠宏. 多孔基体上纳米SiO2薄膜的制备. 胶体与界面化学会论文集, 2004. 10, 陕西西安.

(83) 李忠宏, 姜道年, 陈勇斌, 等. 猕猴桃果浆贮藏期间维生素C和叶绿素的变化. 西北农林科技大学学报, 2001 (29): 16-18.

(84) 李元瑞, 程江峰, 师俊玲, 李忠宏. 猕猴桃果汁超滤过程的传质特性研究. 西北农业大学学报, 1998 26(6): 97-100.


(1) 唐文志; 颜延婷; 王建龙; 岳田利; 李忠宏. 一种便携式的酶联免疫样品吸光度检测器(CN201920139661.0). 2020.04.28.

(2) 王建龙; 王靖; 杨庆锋; 杨伟霞; 张亮; 张天树; 张道宏; 李忠宏. 一种硫氮掺杂多孔生物炭、制备方法及应用(CN201810567919.7). 2018.12.07.

(3) 段旭昌; 孙宝胜; 李忠宏; 刘奇; 侯盼盼; 吴晔婷; 施宝珠. 一种盒装纯天然橡子凉粉的制作方法(CN201710575934.1). 2017.10.24.

(4) 王建龙; 刘涛; 岳田利; 袁亚红; 李忠宏; 张道宏; 刘伟. 果汁中嗜酸耐热菌的检测方法及其诱导剂、显色剂(CN201310456069.0). 2014.01.01.

(5) 李忠宏; 曹淼; 岳田利; 葛武鹏; 王建龙; 李荣华; 段旭昌. 一种染料亲和磁性微球的制备及用于乳清中乳铁蛋白分离的应用(CN201310285276.4). 2013.11.27.

(6) 李忠宏; 岳田利; 王建龙; 唐文志; 李荣华; 段旭昌; 衣雪梅. 用于水溶液中重金属离子Cr(VI)去除的多孔不锈钢基铁氧化物膜的制备方法(CN201310031975.6). 2013.05.15.

(7) 李忠宏; 杨公明; 仇农学; 杨祖培; 杨继红. 一种在多孔不锈钢基体上制备复合陶瓷超滤膜的方法(CN200710017580.5);2007.11.14.

(8) 仇农学; 杨祖培; 李忠宏; 杨公明; 邓红. 一种在多孔不锈钢基体上制备TiO2陶瓷微滤膜的方法(CN200710017358.5)。2007.10.17.


(1) 王建龙, 杨保伟, 李忠宏, 张文涛, 张道宏, 朱文新, 王静. 食品安全因子快速识别与控制技术研究. 陕西省高等学校科学技术一等奖, 2019.03.

(2) 陕西省第十四届(2020年)自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖“分子印迹Mn掺杂ZnS量子点磷光法检测苹果汁中PAT”,通讯作者,2020.05.07.


国际SCI学术期刊 Nature Communications, Environmental Science: Nano, Trends in Food Science & Technology, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, Carbon, Analytical Chemistry, Chemical Engineering Journal, Food Chemistry, Biosensors & Bioelectronics , Journal of hazardous materials ,  Journal of membrane science ,  International Journal of Molecular Sciences ,  ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ,  Environmental Science & Technology ,  Biotechnology Journal ,  Journal of Nanotechnology ,  Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology ,  Journal of Materials Science ,  Journal of Nanomaterails ,  Journal of Toxicology and Health , Desalination and Water Treatment ,  Materials Research Bulletin ,  Research on Chemical Intermediates 等,以及中文学术期刊《农业工程学报》、《生物物理学报》、《西北农林科技大学学报》、《食品科学》、《陕西师范大学学报》、《分析测试学报》等的编辑、审稿人。获 Biosensors and Bioelectronics (2016年7月)、 Food Chemistry (2017年7月和2019年4月)、 Measurement (2019年3月)、 Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (2017年12月)优秀审稿人荣誉, Journal of Nanotechnology 特刊 Nanotechnology in Agriculture 的特约编辑(2011年9月)。编辑和审稿的论文如下。

(1) Compostable antioxidant packaging with reduced polyoxomolybdate for fresh-cut peach, Food Chemistry, 2023.03.

(2) Washing-free and label-free onsite assay for inorganic pyrophosphatase activity using a personal glucose meter, Analytical Chemistry, 2022. 04.

(3) Automated paper-based femtogram sensing device for competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of Aflatoxin B1 using sub-microliter samples,  Analytical Chemistry , 2021.12.

(4) L-histidine functionalized ZiF-8 withaggregation-induced emission for detection of tetracycline, Food Chemistry, 2021.12.

(5) Immobilization of Rhizomucor miehei lipase on magnetic multiwalled carbon nanotubes towards the synthesis of structured lipids rich in sn-2 palmitic acid and sn-1,3 Oleic acid (OPO) for infant formula use,  Food Chemistry , 2021.11.

(6) Portable monitoring of anti-diabetic drugs by 2-O-alpha-D-Glucopyranosyl-L-ascorbic acid-mediated reaction in personal glucose meters,  Microchemical Journal , 2021.11.

(7) Feasibility study of DNA-based porous aerogel membranes as gravity driven water purifications,  Frontiers of Materials Science , 2021.10.

(8) Scalable Robust Nano-porous Zr-based MOF adsorbent with High-Capacity for Sustainable Water Purification,  Chemical Engineering Journal , 2021.10.

(9) Development of Novel MOF-Mixed Matrix 3-Dimensional Membrane Capsules for the Eradication of Potentially Toxic Metals from Water and Real Electroplating Wastewater,  Journal of Hazardous Materials , 2021.09.

(10)A dual-channel indicator of fish spoilage based on a D-π-A luminogen serving as a smart label for intelligent food packaging,  Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy , 2021.05.

(11)交联壳聚糖水凝胶分子结构差异与其控释性能关系, 现代食品科技, 2021.05.

(12)Ultralight and porous cellulose nanofibers/polyethyleneimine composite aerogels with exceptional performance for wastewater remediation,  Chemical Engineering Journal , 2021.04.

(13)Suspension array for multiplex immunoassay five common endocrine disrupters chemicals in milk and tap water,  Food Chemistry , 2020.11.

(14)基于红色碳量子点的荧光法快速检测饮料中的胭脂红, 分析测试学报, 2020.10.

(15)Studying the interactions of polyphenols with membranes,  Food Frontiers , 2020.10.

(16)Concurrent enhancement of structure stability and adsorption capacity of graphene oxide aerogel via the removal of oxidation debris nanoparticles on nanosheets,  Environmental Science: Nano , 2020.09.

(17)Luminescent carbon dots derived from saw mill waste for sensitive detection of synthetic dyes in soft drinks: A simple value added approach,  Analytical Methods , 2020.08.

(18)Three-dimensional Printing of Complex Graphite Structures,  Nature Communications , 2020.08.

(19)Lanthanide ion (Ln3+)-based upconversion nanomaterials: Recent progress and food application,  Trends in Food Science & Technology , 2020.07.

(20)3D, Eco-friendly Metal-organic Frameworks@Carbon Nanotube Aerogels Composite Materials for Removal of Pesticides in Water,  Chemical Engineering Journal , 2020.05.

(21)Fluorescence-scattering dual-signal response of carbon dots@ZIF-90 for phosphate ratiometric detection,  ACS Sensors , 2020.05.

(22)Water-compatible surface molecularly imprinted magnetic particles for efficient extraction of patulin, Food Chemistry , 2020.04.

(23)Metal-Organic Framework Based Sensor for Food Safety,  Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition , 2020.03.

(24)Compressive stress enabled 2D-to-3D junction transformation in amorphous carbon films for high-performance strain sensitive electronic skin,  Carbon , 2020.03.

(25)展青霉素替代模板印记聚合物的制备表征及其在检测中的应用, 食品科学技术学报, 2020.03.

(26)Green and facile synthesis of highly effective fluorescence of water-soluble carbon dots from shallot extract for chromium ions sensing in milk, fruit juices and wastewater samples,  Food Chemistry , 2020.02.

(27)A long lifetime ratiometric luminescent tetracycline nanosensor based on Ir(III) complex-doped and Eu3+-functionalized silicon nanoparticles R1,  Journal of Hazardous Materials , 2019.12.

(28)Facile detection of Sudan dyes using tire-derived carbon dots as a fluorescent sensor,  Food Chemistry , 2019.11.

(29)A long lifetime ratiometric luminescent tetracycline nanosensor based on Ir(III) complex-doped and Eu3+-functionalized silicon nanoparticles,  Journal of Hazardous Materials , 2019.10.

(30)Heterogeneous Nucleation and Synthesis of 3D Hierarchical Zr-based Metal Organic Framework Adsorbent with Recognition Ability and Enhanced Adsorption Capacity of Tetracycline,  Chemical Engineering Journal , 2019.10.

(31)Facile fabrication of polyacrylic acid functionalized carboxymethyl chitosan microspheres for selective separation and efficient recovery of Ni(II) from multicomponent wastewater,  Chemical Engineering Journal , 2019.09.

(32)Ultrasonication assisted microstructural transformations in aqueous dispersions of graphene oxide: Influence on rheology and adsorption,  Carbon , 2019.09.

(33)Design of luminescence turn-on sensor for selective detection of chloramphenicol based on nanostructured molecularly imprinted polymer coated zirconium-based metal organic frameworks,  Biosensors and Bioelectronics , 2019.08.

(34)A Water Stable Zinc-Organic Framework as a Reversible Luminescence Sensor for Nitrofurantoin Antibiotic,  Analytical Chemistry , 2019.08.

(35)Colorimetric detection of three endocrine disruptors in foods based on aptamer and gold nanoparticles,  Food Chemistry , 2019.07.

(36)Selective absorption and detection of Pb (II) and Cu (II) using a metal-organic framework/polypyrrole nanocomposite functionalized electrode,  Chemical Engineering Journal , 2019.07.

(37)Switchable fluorescence sensor toward Patulin via functionalized MWCNTs quenched aptamer-tagged CFL,  Food Chemistry , 2019.06.

(38)Certificate of reviewing award,  Food Chemistry , 2019.04.

(39)Development of a Fluorescence Based Structure Switching Apta-Assay for Patulin Detection,  Food Chemistry , 2019.04.

(40)pH-optimized-SERS-Ag-nanosensor ochratoxin A and aflatoxin B1 prediction in cocoa beans,  Food Chemistry , 2019.04.

(41)Certificate of reviewing award,  Measurement , 2019.03.

(42)Comparison of two second-order correction algorithms applied to fluorescence excitation-emission-sample data array: The detection of pesticide mixtures by three-dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy,  Measurement , 2019.02.

(43)Recent Trends of Heavy Metal Removal from Water/wastewater by Membrane Technologies,  Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry , 2019.01.

(44)Selective and sensitive determination of chloramphenicol in meat by molecularly imprinted polymer based microtiter chemiluminescence sensor,  Food Chemistry , 2018.10.

(45) In-situ  fabrication of metal-organic frameworks fibrous filter for highly efficient U (VI) removal,  ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , 2018.03.

(46)Dynamic Sliding Enhancement on Friction and Adhesion of Functionalized Graphene,  ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , 2018.01.

(47)Certificate of reviewing appriation 2017, International Journal of Nanomaterials, Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine, 2017.12.

(48)Self-assembled monolayers of an organosilane on magnetite nanoparticles for the removal of Cr(VI) from water,  Environmental Science & Technology , 2017.10.


(50)Certificate of reviewing award, Food Chemistry, 2017.01.

(51)Purification of hen's egg yolk alkaline phosphatase by superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles modified with arsanilic acid tags,  Food Chemistry, 2017.1.

(52)Tuning of the Selectivity of Fluorescent Peptidyl Bioprobe UsingAggregation Induced Emission for Heavy Metal Ions by Buffering agents in100% Aqueous Solutions,  Biosensors & Bioelectronics , 2016.11.

(53)Gold Nanocluster Enabled Microcapsule-based Ratiometric Hydrogen Peroxide Biosensors,  Biosensors & Bioelectronics , 2016.10.

(54)Droplet synthesis of PNIPAm@AuNPs and its application as sensing probes for serum copper,  Biosensors & Bioelectronics , 2016.8.

(55)Elsevier: Been awarded Recognized Reviewer for  Biosensors & Bioelectronics , 2016.7.

(56)Competitive adsorptive removal of cadmium (II) ions from water using nanoparticles of water treatment residual,  Journal of Nanomaterials , 2016.7.

(57)In situ self-assembly of gold nanoparticles on hydrophilic and hydrophobic substrates for virus-sensing platforms,  Biosensors & Bioelectronics , 2016.7.

(58)文冠果种仁总皂苷的提取纯化及其抗氧化活性研究, 陕西师范大学学报, 2015.9.

(59)Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of Lonicera japonica T hunb. var. sempervillosa Hayata extracts prepared by water, ethanol and supercritical fluid extraction techniques,  Biotechnology Journal , 2015.7.

(60)Nano technology-Food technology-Nano toxicity,  Journal of Toxicology and Health , 2015.7.

(61)An assessment over the biosorption of hexavalent chromium using a novel green macroalgae Enteromorpha sp.,  Research on Chemical Intermediates , 2015.2.

(62)Magnetic particles as carriers for the purification of GFP and GFP-fusion proteins,  Biotechnology Journal , 2015.1.

(63)Hexavalent chromium removal from aqueous solutions by superparamagnetic starch functionalized magnetite nanoparticles,  Desalination and Water Treatment , 2014.12.

(64)真空冷冻干燥对荠菜品质和芳香物质的影响, 食品科学, 2014.12.

(65)含纳米Ag-TiO2的聚乙烯包装材料对大米储藏品质的影响, 食品科学, 2014.9.

(66)番木瓜中短波红外干燥特性, 食品科学, 2014.6.

(67)Removal of Reactive Red 2BF from Aqueous Solutions by Adsorption onto Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 Nanoparticles Prepared via the Solution Combustion and Calcination Process,  Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology , 2014. 2.

(68)Ag/PVA复合溶胶的制备及其抗菌性能研究, 食品科学, 2014. 2.

(69)Magnetically retrievable chitosan/lignocellulose synthesized by a simple mixing procedure: A superabsorbent for removal of anionic azo dye from aqueous solution,  Journal of hazardous materials , 2014.1.

(70)真空干燥条件对野生软枣猕猴桃果脯干燥规律及品质的影响研究, 食品科学, 2013.12.

(71)真空冷冻干燥对蓝莓制品品质的影响, 食品科学, 2013. 10.

(72)Growth of TiO2 Nanotubes Arrays using Porous Anodic Alumina Templates,  JSAP-MRS Joint Symposia Proceedings , 2013.10.

(73)The Effect of Calcination Temperature on the Surface Charge of Unsupported Zirconia and Titania Membranes,  Journal of Materials Science , 2013.10.

(74)含精油可食性抗菌膜研究进展, 食品科学, 2013. 9.

(75)喷雾干燥法生产麦苗粉工艺研究, 食品科学, 2013. 8.

(76)Fabrication of imidazole ionic liquid modified magnetic nanoparticles with large curvature for high selective isolation of heme protein,  ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , 2013. 8.

(77)固定化金属亲和磁性纳米粒子在蛋白质分离纯化中的研究和应用, 生物物理学报, 2013. 6.

(78)Cross-flow micro-filtration of crude TiCl4 suspension using TiAl intermetallics membranes,  Journal of membrane science , 2013. 1.

(79)Trends in Carbohydrases Immobilization for Potential Applications in the Food Industry,  International Journal of Molecular Sciences , 2012. 11.

(80)Sintering and technological properties of alumina/zirconia/nano -TiO2 ceramic composites,  Materials Research Bulletin , 2012.10

(81)Dextran coated magnetic supports for antibody purification,  ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , 2012. 8.

(82)凹凸棒石改性油菜秸基木质陶瓷制备及其对含铬废水的吸附研究, 农业工程学报, 2012. 7.

(83)Removal of chromium (III) from aqueous solutions using composite membranes,  Desalination and Water Treatment . 2012. 4.

(84)胺基化磁性壳聚糖微球的制备及其对苹果渣多酚的吸附特性研究, 西北农林科技大学学报, 2012.3.

(85)Antibacterial activity by nanosilver particles, 2011 MRS Fall Meeting. 2012. 1.

(86)The progress of TiO2 nanocrystals doped with rare earth ions,  Journal of Nanomaterials , 2011. 10.

(87)Special Issue "Application of Nanomaterials in Agriculture",  Journal of Nanotechnology , 2011. 9.(特邀编辑)

(88)Quantum size effect in ZnO nanoparticles via mechanical milling,  Journal of Nanomaterials , 2011. 7.

(89)Template based growth of Nanoscaled films,  Journal of Nanomaterials , 2010. 8.

(90)Preparation and Characterization of NiTiO3 Nanocrystallites,  Journal of Nanomaterials , 2010. 5.

(91)An Experimental Study on the Shape Changes of Monodisperse TiO2 Nanocrystals Synthesized by Microemulsion-Solvothermal Method,  Journal of Nanomaterials , 2010. 4.


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(2) 纳米材料在食品分离及检测中的应用, 2019年陕西省食品科学技术学会学术年会暨精准营养与大健康论坛, 西北大学, 2019.4.22-24.

(3) Nanotechnology in food engineering-separation/purification & inspection, 香港理工大学应用生物与化学系与食品学院学术交流会, 2015.04.27.

(4) 食品学院系列学术报告“纳米材料与食品分离及检测”, 西北农林科技大学食品学院, 2010. 04. 02.

(5) 子午食品科技讲坛2010年第一讲“纳米材料与食品分离及检测”, 陕西师范大学食品工程与营养科学学院, 2010.01.14.

(6) Preparation of metallic-ceramic composite membranes for filtration,  i -MAPS New England 36th Symposium & Expo, Holiday Inn Boxborough Woods, Boxborough, MA, USA, 2009. 09. 05.

(7) 全国材料科学“十一五”科研项目申报研讨会, 北京: 2003. 12.

(8) 不锈钢基体上纳米TiO2薄膜的制备,中国化学会第24届学术年会, 长沙, 2004. 04.

(9) 多孔基体上纳米SiO2薄膜的制备, 胶体与界面化学会, 西安: 2004. 10.


(1) 副主编,《食品工程原理》, 国家“十二五”规划教材, 编写“气体吸收”一章, 郑州大学出版社, 2014. 09.

(2) 参编,《工程制图》和《工程制图习题集》, 国家“十一五”规划教材, 编写“轴测图”一章, 2008. 05.

(3) 参编,《现代果汁加工技术与设备》, 化工出版社, 编写第17章“传统过滤设备”一章, 2005.06




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