2017.8-2020.12 美国佐治亚大学食品科学,哲学博士
2016.1-2017.7 美国费城莫耐尔化学感官中心,研究助理
2022.5-2023.1美国Frontage Laboratories, Inc.加州分公司,资深科学家、生物分析部小组负责人
1) Zhang, S., Hyatt, J. R., & Akoh, C. C. (2022). Lipase-catalyzed one-step regioselective synthesis of 1, 2-dioctanoylgalloylglycerol in a solvent-free system: Optimization of reaction conditions and structural elucidation. Food Chemistry , 382 , 132302.
2) Jin, J., Zhang, S., & Akoh, C. C. (2022). Preparation and characterization of sn -2 polyunsaturated fatty acids-rich monoacylglycerols from menhaden oil and DHA-single cell oil. LWT-Food Science and Technology , 156 , 113012. (共同一作).
3) Zhang, S., Hyatt, J. R., & Akoh, C. C. (2021). Solvent-free enzymatic synthesis of 1, 2-dipalmitoylgalloylglycerol: Characterization and optimization of reaction condition. Food Chemistry , 344 , 128604.
4) Zhang, S., Willett, S. A., Hyatt, J. R., Martini, S., & Akoh, C. C. (2021). Phenolic compounds as antioxidants to improve oxidative stability of menhaden oil-based structured lipid as butterfat analog. Food Chemistry , 334 ,127584.
5) Zhang, S., & Akoh, C. C. (2020). Enzymatic synthesis of 1- o -galloylglycerol: Characterization and determination of its antioxidant properties. Food Chemistry , 305 , 125479.
6) Zhang, S., & Akoh, C. C. (2020). Lipase-assisted production of 1- o -galloylglycerol: Characterization and its antioxidant properties. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society , 97(S1), 27-28.
7) Zhang, S., & Akoh, C. C. (2019). Solvent‐free enzymatic synthesis of 1‐ o ‐galloylglycerol optimized by the Taguchi Method. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society , 96(8), 877-889.
8) Hyatt, J. R., Zhang, S., & Akoh, C. C. (2023). Combining antioxidants and processing techniques to improve oxidative stability of a Schizochytrium algal oil ingredient with application in yogurt. Food Chemistry, 417 ,135835.
9) Jones A., Zhang, S., Akoh C.C., & Martini S. (2023). Effect of anhydrous milk fat fraction addition to butter on water loss reduction. International Dairy Journal , 141 , 2023, 105618.
10) Hyatt, J. R., Zhang, S., & Akoh, C. C. (2021). Comparison of antioxidant activities of selected phenolic compounds in O/W emulsions and bulk oil. Food Chemistry , 349 , 129037.
11) Zhang, S., & Akoh, C. C. (2020). Antioxidant property and characterization data of 1- o -galloylglycerol synthesized via enzymatic glycerolysis. Data in Brief , 105110.
12) Des Gachons, C. P., Avrillier, J., Gleason, M., Algarra, L., Zhang, S., Mura, E., ... & Breslin, P. A. (2016). Oral cooling and carbonation increase the perception of drinking and thirst quenching in thirsty adults. PloS One , 11 (9).
E-mail: szhang@nwafu.edu.cn