2009.09—2013.06 曲阜师范大学化学与化工学院学士
从事蛋白结构分析的基础研究与多肽类生物材料应用开发工作,研究内容为通过生物分子仿生进行生物成像、分子示踪、疾病治疗、病毒检测。在Angew. Chem.(影响因子16.823,G1)、Protein Cell(影响因子15.328,G1)、Small(影响因子15.143,G2)、Adv. Colloid Interface Sci(影响因子15.190,G2)等国际知名期刊发表SCI论文20余篇,参编教材1部。
研究成果被《人民日报》、美国化学会Weekly PressPac、《科技日报》、学习强国等多家国内外主流新闻学术媒体的关注与报道。受邀参加美国化学学会年会、国际青年学者论坛等多个国际学术会议并做口头报告。并担任Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering、Antibiotics、International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health等学术期刊审稿人。
本科生培养情况:承担本科生《工程图学与计算机绘图》与《化工原理》等课程;指导本科生参加大学生创新训练计划,获国家级立项、校级立项;指导本科生在Small、Biosensors and Bioelectronics: X、Foods等期刊发表多篇SCI论文。
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,项目编号:22208267,主持;
2. 第4批特别资助(站前),项目编号:2022TQ0262,主持;
3. 陕西省重点研发一般项目,项目编号:2022SF-258,主持;
4. 西北农林科技大学启动经费,项目编号:2452020257,主持;
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目编号:51773149,参与;
6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 项目编号:21675006, 参与。
1. Xia Y, Hu J, Zhao S, Tao L, Li Z, Yue T, Kong J*, Build-in sensors and analysis algorithms aided smartphone-based sensors for point-of-care tests, Biosensors and Bioelectronics: X , 2022, 11, 2590-1370.
2. Kong J., Li W., Zhao S., Zhang J., Yue T., Wang Y*, Xia Y*, Li Z*, Color-Tunable Fluorescent Hierarchical Nanoassemblies with Concentration-Encoded Emission. Small , 2022, 18, 2201826, IF 15.143.
3. Kong J, Li W, Hu J, Zhao S, Yue T, Li Z, Xia Y*. The Safety of Cold-Chain Food in Post-COVID-19 Pandemic: Precaution and Quarantine. Foods , 2022; 11(11):1540, IF 5.561.
4. Kong J, Zhang J, Wang Y*, Qi W, Huang M, Su R, He Z. Bioinspired Fluorescent Peptidyl Nanoparticles with Rainbow Colors. ACS Applied Materials Interfaces , 2020, 12, 31830-31841, IF 10.383.
5. Kong J, Zhang J, Wang Y*, Rao H, Hu L, Qi W, Su R, He Z. Bioinspired pH-Sensitive Fluorescent Peptidyl Nanoparticles for Cell Imaging, ACS Applied Materials Interfaces , 2020, 12(4):4212-4220, IF 10.383.
6. Kong J, Wang Y*, Qi W, Huang M, Su R, He Z. Green fluorescent protein inspired fluorophores. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science , 2020; 285: 102286, IF 15.190.
7. Kong J, Wang Y*, Qi W, Su R, He Z. Enzyme-Free Visualization of Nucleic Acids during HIV Infection by Octopus-like DNA, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules , 2020, 150,122-128, IF 6.782.
8. Kong J, Wang M M, He S Y, Peng X*, Qin X H*. Structural characterization and directed modification of Sus scrofa SAMHD1 reveal the mechanism underlying deoxynucleotide regulation. FEBS Journal , 2019, 286: 3844-3857, IF 5.622.
9. Kong J, Wang Y*, Qi W*, Su R, He Z. Photo- and Aromatic Stacking-Induced Green Emissive Peptidyl Nanoparticles for Cell Imaging and Monitoring of Nucleic Acid Delivery. ACS Applied Materials Interfaces , 2019, 11 (17), 15401-15410, IF 10.383.
10. Kong J, Wang Y*, Zhang J, Qi W*, Su R, He Z. Rationally Designed Peptidyl Virus-Like Particles Enable Targeted Delivery of Genetic Cargo. Angewandte Chemie International Edition , 2018, 57, 14032-14036, IF 16.823.
11. Kong J, Xu B, Wei W, Wang X, Xie W, Yu XF*. Characterization of the amino-terminal domain of Mx2/MxB-dependent interaction with the HIV-1 capsid. Protein Cell , 2014, 5, 954-957, IF 15.328.
12. Kong J, Ma M, He S, Qin X*. Mx oligomer: a novel capsid pattern sensor. Future Microbiology , 2016, 11, 1047-1055, IF 3.553.
13. Li Y#, Kong J#, Peng X, Hou W, Qin X, Yu XF*. Structural Insights into the High-efficiency Catalytic Mechanism of the Sterile alpha Motif/Histidine-Aspartate Domain-containing Protein. Journal of Biological Chemistry , 2015, 290,29428-29437, IF 5.486.
14. Xu B#, Kong J#, Wang X, Wei W, Xie W, Yu XF*. Structural insight into the assembly of human anti-HIV dynamin-like protein MxB/Mx2. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications , 2015, 456, 197-201, IF 3.322.
Email: kongjia@nwafu.edu.cn